Christian Quest

State of the Tools of OSM France

OSM France Develop and Maintain a Number of Tools - Let's Take a Tour


Some tools available on the French servers are generic ones like Taginfo, a tile server or an instance of Overpass API. But some are our own developments, yet still useful for all. Among others, we can find a HOT tile server, uMap, an API proxy, our cadastre extractor, a polygon generator, a generator for area extracts with diff, a boundary maker, the QA tool Osmose...

About the author

Christian Quest, 48, lives near Paris. He has been an OSM contributor, and he's a founding member and the current president of OSM-FR. Focused on data quality and exhaustivity, working on several renderings where external data are compared to OSM data to find "white spots", missing data as well as OSM-FR styled tiles. Christian is also part of OSM-FR tech team as system administrator taking care of a dozen of servers.

He discovered OSM through his other (past) activities: paragliding and genealogy.